Dolls and puppets. Contemporaneity and Tradition
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The Ontology of the Puppet
The Study of Reception Process of Children Aged Six to Eight Years, in Theatre, Based on Reception Phenomenological Approach
“Help me to see beyond”: Dolls and doll narratives in the context of coming of age
How Puppetry can Assist Pastors in Obtaining a Greater Understanding of their Liturgical Practice
Handspring Puppet Company: An international South African puppet phenomenon
Multi-media Performance: Two puppetry productions by the Handspring Puppet Company based on Italo Svevo’s La Conscienza di Zeno
Hand to Hand: The dynamic situation of applied puppetry
Design and Construction of Fantasy Marionettes through the Study of Animal Anatomy and Movement
Desire / Screen / Look Relationship in the Making of a Doll: the case study of a personal experience
“It’s a set! It’s a show! Everybody’s watching you!” Human Puppets and Real-Life Marionette Stages in Film
Puppetry and Ambivalence in the Art of Paul Nash
Puppetry and Ambivalence in the Art of Paul Nash
History of Japanese Ningyo from the Edo Period: the art of the Japanese dolls, their role and meaning in society
Minamoto no Yoshitsune, Japanese Puppetry (Bunraku) and Graphic Art in the Collection of the National Gallery in Prague
Handmade Dolls of the Iranian Nation, the Representatives of Culture and Civilization
Losel Dolls
Marionetas de São Lourenço: The puppet as an artistic object, from the stage to the museum
Croatian Folk Puppeteering
Theatre of Freaks by Zlatko Bourek
Desire / Screen / Look Relationship in the Making of a Doll: the case study of a personal experience
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