1. Puppetry in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Period – New Perspectives
  2. The Late Medieval Action Figure and the Living Image
  3. The Assumption of Mary in Dieppe – an Unusual Example of Theatricalized Medieval Religious Ceremony
  4. Representation and Reflexivity. Paradoxes in the Image of Christ from Sixteenth-Century Mexico
  5. ‘Pick Him up and hold Him in your arms.’ The Function of the Holy Dolls in the Convent Life of the Late Middle Ages
  6. Jointed Dolls as Works of Art
  7. Contributions to the study of the tradition of dressing religious sculptures in Portugal 16th –19th centuries
  8. Utopia on a Small Scale – Female Escapism into Miniature
  9. A Great Theater of Things. Raree-show (‘t Fraay Curieus) by Willem van Mieris
  10. Illustrations

The Assumption of Mary in Dieppe – an Unusual Example of Theatricalized Medieval Religious Ceremony

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