1. Prof. Henryk Jurkowski – in memoriam
  2. At The Uttermost Limit of Vision: The Wax Dolls of Lotte Pritzel (1887-1952)
  3. Puppetry Elements in the Works of European Surrealists
  4. Paul Klee: Protected Children, Broken Puppets and the Problematization of Modernism
  5. Puppets and Paradox: On the Bauhaus Stage with Oskar Schlemmer
  6. The Living Doll: A Look at Hans Bellmer’s Later Work from the “Puppet’s” Standpoint
  7. A Different Kind of Intimacy. Greer Lankton and the New York Dolls
  8. The Transnational Adventures of the Kewpie Doll: Mediating Nostalgia in Pre-War Japan
  9. ”Woolita”: Crochet Doll as Representation of Interwoven Discourse Understanding ”Being-as-Playing-a-Role”
  10. Inspire the Naïf! Marinka Dallos’ Collection of Doll
  11. Museum of Childhood – From Play to Art
  12. The Doll as Femme Fatale in L. G. Berlanga’s Life Size
  13. The Grotesque as a Paradigm of the Puppet Theater in the 21st Century. Through an Analysis of Ilka Schönbein’s show, The Old Lady and the Beast
  14. The Puppet as a Paradigm of the Contemporary Living Body – An Inquiry into the Traditional Question of Artificial Life in Contemporary Puppetry
  15. Mechanical Affections. A Reconfiguration of Love by Fin-de-Siècle Decadent Dolls
  16. Illustrations

Paul Klee: Protected Children, Broken Puppets and the Problematization of Modernism

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